Flan de Calabaza

Spiced pumpkin custard, cinnamon graham cracker tuille, whipped creme fraiche

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Caramel layer:

800g granulated sugar

Pumpkin Flan: yields enough custard for (4) 9" flans

1.3 KG Heavy Cream

960g Whole Milk

800g Granulated Sugar

1.08 KG Whole Egg

80g Egg Yolks

1.6 KG Pumpkin Puree

40g Vanilla Paste

8g Ground Cinnamon

5g Ground Ginger

5g Ground Nutmeg

6g Kosher Salt

Graham Cracker Tuile:

200g Unsalted Butter

270g Granulated Sugar

120g Glucose Syrup

90g Whole Milk

10g Kosher Salt

120g Finely ground graham cracker crumbs*

Whipped Creme Fraiche:

500g creme fraiche

200g heavy cream

75g powdered sugar

PREP recipe 1
PREP recipe 2
PREP recipe 3
PREP recipe 4


  1. Put your cake pans in a hot oven. Pouring the caramel into a hot pan will help it spread evenly before it cools.
  2. Dry caramelize the 800g of sugar in a medium rondeau. Take to a deep amber, remember the sugar will continue to cook after you pull from the heat.
  3. Remove the cake pans from the oven and very carefully divide the hot caramel between the 4 9" x 3" nonstick cake pans.
  4. Set the pans aside to cool.
  5. This can be done in advance, cool the caramel completely & wrap the pans well. Store at room temperature until you are ready to fill with custard.

Pumpkin Flan: Preheat your convection oven 325 degrees, low fan. If you are using a Combi, do not use the steam or combi function, set the oven in convection.

  1. Combine the heavy cream & milk in a large pot and bring to a boil. Remove from heat.
  2. In a large bowl, whisk together the sugar, whole eggs, egg yolks until the sugar fully dissolves.
  3. Add the pumpkin puree, vanilla paste, spices, and salt. Combine well.
  4. Temper the hot cream into the pumpkin base one ladle at a time, take care not to curdle the eggs.
  5. Once all the cream is incorporated, transfer the mixture to the vita prep to puree. Then pass the mixture through a chinois.
  6. Set your caramel prepared pans into 2" hotel pans.
  7. Portion 1.35KG custard into each caramel-lined pan.
  8. Add enough hot water to the 2" hotel pans to go halfway up the sides of your flan pans.
  9. Very carefully move to your pre-heated oven.
  10. Bake for 40-50 minutes until the custard is set & the top is golden brown. It should not crack, but will puff up slightly & fully set.
  11. Remove from the oven & the water bath. Allow to cool to room temperature, then move to the walk-in to set for at least 6 hours.

Un-molding the flan:

  1. The flan should pull away from the sides of the pan as it cools & chills.
  2. Invert a large plate with a rim over the top of the flan.
  3. Quickly flip the flan so that it unmolds onto the plate. The caramel will run down the side of the flan and pool on the plate.
  4. If there is any caramel left in the bottom of the mold, warm gently on the flat top & collect the caramel to reserve for garnish.
  5. DO NOT UNMOLD MORE THAN ONE FLAN AT A TIME. They will absorb the caramel and lose the nice contrast between custard & caramel.

Graham Cracker Tuille:

* One small box of graham crackers ground to a fine in the robo coupe & sifted is more than enough graham cracker crumb.
1. Combine everything except the graham cracker crumbs in a small pot.
2. Bring the mixture to 226 degrees over medium heat, stirring the entire time.
3. Remove from the heat & add the graham cracker crumbs. Quickly stir together to avoid any clumps. Bring back to a simmer & continue stirring. Then remove from heat immediately.
4. Transfer to a stainless steel bowl & stir frequently as it cools. The goal is to keep the batter emulsified.
5. Scoop 6g balls of the cold batter. Set the balls on a sheet tray lined with a silpat. Set the balls 3" apart.
6. Bake 325 degrees, low fan until golden brown & toasty.
  1. When you remove the tray of tuilles from the oven, quickly coat the top of each tuille with the Churro Cookie Sugar.
  2. Cool the tuilles slightly, just a couple minutes, then use a 3" ring cutter to perforate each tuille to a perfect circle. If the batter sticks to the cutter, cool slightly longer & try again.
  3. Once the tuilles are cool, remove them from the silpat & gently break off the excess along the perforation. You should have a perfectly round tuille.
  4. Reserve in an airtight container, separated by parchment paper.
  5. These will hold for 2 days if kept in an airtight container.

Whipped Creme Fraiche:

1. Whip all of the ingredients together in the kitchen aid on medium speed until creamy and fluffy.

2. Do not over-whip. This should hold a firm peak, but not break. Consistency should be very smooth, but will not spread when you "dollop".

critical control points

Cut the flan into 8 equal pieces.

Coming soon...
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