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Castell Banana Panela Gum Syrup

  • Panela
  • Arabic gum
  • Banana leaves
  • Water

Tools: Seal bag, vacuum sealer,scale, sous vide, cambro, knife, cutting board.


Weigh the panela. In a cooking pot add the double of Panela weight of water, use a hot plate, turn the heat to 360F and heat up the water letting the Panela dissolve. Reduce the mix for 5 min, let rest, and weigh.

Add the mix into a sealing bag, from the total weight add 10% of the weight of the banana leaves and 3% grams of Arabic gum. Once the ingredients are secured in a protective vacuum-sealed bag, placed them in a 145 F temperature-controlled water bath with sous vide for 2 hours, let it rest, and transfer the liquid to an airtight container. Label and reserve in the refrigerator.

Sourcing Info:

Banana Leaf

Arabic Gum